A few things this week...


♡ It was time to officially announce Dubai our Sandbox 2.0! Very happy to introduce the newly designed and improved version of the blog. I started the blog in 2011, as a creative outlet and to share my little finds, my little scoops  with other mamas. I wanted to share daily, like little bites of candy, cool things to do, make, buy, see around Dubai. I was a first time mama with a 2 years old and love the idea to connect and share with other mums fun useful infos from our beloved sandbox - Dubai.  Other the years, Instagram and social media took over and the blog had shifted to the side. I am happy to get back to the origin and true purpose of Dubai our Sandbox and look forward to use both platforms together, to reach and communicate genuinely with the  most honest responsibility. Hope you like it! Please feel free to give me your feedback. Dubai (and beyond) is our playground, come and play with us… and stay for a while… Thank you for your for hanging out here with us!

♡ A week to December… Have you started Holiday shopping? I have the hope this year to be efficient and order online and shipped directly to Sweden as we are travelling home this Holiday season. Are you more online or in store shopping? Last minute shopper or well planned early shopper? I received this super cute GAP sweather. “Love More” , isn’t it a sweet gift idea? Currently the online shop has a big sale going on and the new holiday gift selection is out… Check it out. Happy cyber shopping.

Must add: that I love the “Love More” quote. I remind my self and the girls that “Love is always the answer”, Choices to make, dilemmas to figure it out, decisions to face, even in disheartened moments, when the question is “ what do i do?” the answer is “do the most loving thing”. Let’s not underestimate how much or how powerful that can be…

♡ The girls and I took part last weekend in the #YouAsIs movement. Following on from the success of Dima Ayad’s line of “You…as is” slogan t-shirts; a movement of self-acceptance and celebrating ourselves as we are, Dima saw a need to address the youth and children of today with these same encouraging words.

Love the message and supporting the positive idea behind it. Watch this space for photos of the beautiful kind hearted people who took part in the photoshoot raising awareness and empowering children to feel confident and positive. It is about teaching our children that their differences are what make them unique and special. It is about tackling child bullying and teach compassion. Well done Dima Ayad!

Have a good week everyone! xo